The resource "uxApplicationBackground" could not be resolved.

I'm trying to follow the instructions on the .net SDK on I think I've done everything correctly, but I'm getting the following error: The resource "uxApplicationBackground" could not be resolved. c:\users\...\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\HelloEikon\HelloEikon\MainControl.xaml Line: 8 Column: 14 HelloEikon Please advise.


  • Hi - I've got the same issue too with VS2013.. Can anybody answer his question?
  • Steve, Daisuke, These are project template bugs. While they are being fixed you can do the following workarounds:
    1. Using NuGet package manager, uninstall Eikon UI Library, and reinstall it ensuring you point to the official online feed (search "Eikon" in top right search box of NuGet Manager dialog) . That should lead to version 1.4.3 being downloaded instead of version 1.2.2.

    2. In SetEikonSkin method, replace
      Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/OpenEikonDesktopAppV13;component/Resources/EikonAppSkin.xaml")
      Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.UI;component/Resources/NovaSkin.xaml")
      You can delete EikonAppSkin.xaml from C# project.

      At this stage the project should compile and run.

    3. (Optional) Replace
      Background= "{StaticResource uxApplicationBackground}"
      Style= "{StaticResource uxNovaStyle}"
      The above style also set the foreground in addition to background.
    4. Denis
  • I regret that I must inform you that steps 1 and 2 did not resolve the issue. Neither did the optional step 3. Please advise.
  • For other readers: after more investigation, this was due to Eikon being run on PROD platform.
  • In the 3rd and final step:

    Background= "{StaticResource uxApplicationBackground}">

    Needs to be replaced with:

    Style= "{DynamicResource uxNovaStyle}">

    Many thanks to Denis for getting on my machine and fixing this for me.