Who are you, and what are you doing here?

Hi. I am wondering who this forum is for. I am here to discuss 'Eikon for Developers' or 'Open Eikon' or whatever it eventually gets called. Either everyone else is here for the same reason (and there is just shed loads of terminology and stuff that I haven't come across yet), or this forum has a much wider scope. If the latter is true, is there a standard way to indicate what system a question relates to?

Also, are we only Thomson Reuters people in here at the moment, or do we have partners and third parties contributing already? If not, will they be invited at some point or will there be a separate forum?


  • Thanks James. This is interesting. It's nice that TR developers are sharing and caring, but if there is little or no potential for cross-pollination between Eikon and Cobalt (?) then I wonder whether this just creates unnecessary noise for everyone?

    If we are going to stay in the same forum, should we have a tag which clearly identifies which system the question relates to, or indicate this in the title somehow?

    The reason I ask about externals is that the plan is to open up Eikon early next year. This kind of resource will be invaluable (if not essential) for 3rd party developers, so interested to know what the plan is for this?
  • Just edited my answer to include the product separation question. As far as 3rd party access goes though, you'll likely need to talk to the administrators (
  • This is a good question.

    If as developers we're using some common set of things, then a shared place to get answers is important. Help with common things is good.

    However, if that shared place is also used for very product specific Q&A, then perhaps a higher level organization of content might be needed.

    Can we create multiple TechOverflow instances, similar to MediaWiki instances and index them all with a Google appliance? Would that provide sufficient 'islanding' of content (contextually) while providing searchability across all islands?
  • I am an architect working in the Tax and Accounting arm of Thomson Reuters. I'm involved with a project that is leveraging Cobalt Platform resources like TRAMS and Data Room. I'm here to learn about shared resources and pay attention to the types of questions and development going on elsewhere in the organization.

    Additionally, this forum is being offered as a place to get answers to questions we have during development involving shared things. I've also wondered about the audience using this forum and how useful a tool it is or could be.
  • Hi Tristan. You're quite right that discussions about how to use the Eikon SDKs ought to be on a forum accessible to external developers. And that is on the way. Very soon we'll be launching a portal for Open Eikon developers including quick-start guides, documentation, and ... a discussion forum. That forum will include Active Support, where our Platform Services team will be monitoring and ensuring questions get answered well. We also recently launched our *internal* [Developer Community Portal][1] to bring together all software developers across all TR businesses. Techoverflow is the discussion forum for that portal. Cross-pollination, as you suggest, is one of the big goals of doing this. We can't predict which two technologies will find joint projects but we want all our developers to see and participate and to have access to discussions and experts on one another's APIs. For separation we use tagging. For the Eikon SDKs, the tag to use is **eikon-sdk**. [1]:
  • TechOverflow is a Questions & Answers (Q&A) site for all internal technology topics including development, testing, configuration management and support rather than a discussion forum. We're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about technology and development on all Thomson Reuters Platforms. It is NOT intended to be used for industry technology topics that would be covered externally by searching Google or StackOverflow. I believe that the [Developer Community Portal][1] will be enhanced with forums etc. in the future. In the short term there are many groups on the Hub where you can have development discussion about Eikon. Check out this document about [tagging guidelines][2] and feel free to add to it. [1]:
    http://developers.int.thomsonreuters.com/ [2]:
  • Coming from R&D, where we work with many different parts of the business at various times, it's great to have a place where I can ask a question about various internal platforms and get a wide audience. Previously, one needed to have a particular contact in the group in question, and be able to figure out which contact to ask which question, which was often the hardest part of getting an answer.