Open Eikon .NET Sample - Unable to find package

When I try and build the sample ApiDemo-1.0.0-build00018, it tries to resolve the packages via Nuget, but I get an error about the package version

Error 5 Unable to find version '2.1.2' of package 'Common.Logging'. TimeSeriesDailyIntervalDemo
Error 6 Unable to find version '2.1.2' of package 'Common.Logging.Log4Net1211'. TimeSeriesDailyIntervalDemo
Error 7 Unable to find version '1.0.2' of package 'Expression.Blend.Sdk'. TimeSeriesDailyIntervalDemo
Error 8 Unable to find version '2.0.3' of package 'log4net'. TimeSeriesDailyIntervalDemo
Error 9 Unable to find version '' of package 'protobuf-net'. TimeSeriesDailyIntervalDemo

I've tried changing the packages.config file to reference the latest version available on Nuget but I still see the same errors

Error 1 Unable to find version '2.2.0' of package 'Common.Logging'. RealtimeChainSubscriptionDemo
Error 2 Unable to find version '2.2.0' of package 'Common.Logging.Log4Net1211'. RealtimeChainSubscriptionDemo
Error 3 Unable to find version '1.0.2' of package 'Expression.Blend.Sdk'. RealtimeChainSubscriptionDemo
Error 4 Unable to find version '2.0.3' of package 'log4net'. RealtimeChainSubscriptionDemo
Error 5 Unable to find version '' of package 'protobuf-net'. RealtimeChainSubscriptionDemo

Does anyone know how I can resolve these? Thanks


*****Cant comment on thread so response is here****

Hi julien, Denis

Thanks for your feedback

I have managed to use nuget to reference some other packages on a blank project and these work fine but i still cant get it to work for the sample.

I currently have the latest version of Nuget installed which is 2.8.50313.31.

One thing I noticed is when I manually use the nuget console to get Common.Logging, it still errors

PM> Install-Package Common.Logging
Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Common.Logging'.
At line:1 char:16
+ Install-Package <<<< Common.Logging
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackage

I wonder if this is an issue other people are getting or if its just my machine?


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