Unable to connect to the Eikon Application entry class must be marked with EikonAppStart attribute

Hello. I am attempting to run the desktop samples (
http://openeikon.azurewebsites.net/sample-apps/desktop-samples/). I have unzipped and loaded ApiDemo.sln into VS2013. (I believe I have also installed the EIkon add-in and used the correct NuGet settings.) I can build the projects with no worries and the EXE files run okay, though I am not convinced they are running completely within Eikon. The problem is if I try to run the apps directly from Visual Studio (using 'Run Eikon Application' in the Eikon menu). I get the error message in the title. Note that if I create a new solution/project using the Eikon app template, then I CAN launch into Eikon directly from VS, but the app is transparent! Please advise.

Best Answer

  • julien.gony
    Answer ✓
    Hi Tristan, This is normal, ApiDemo was done for standalone application (not integrated into Eikon), so it will not work with Open Eikon plugin. But you can launch them directly in VS. The other issue (transparent app), will be corrected in the visual studio plugin (as it seems to be at an early stage of development).


  • Thanks Julien. I discovered that I can right-click the required project and select 'Set As StartUp Project'. Then if I click 'Start' from the STANDARD VS menu then I am able to launch directly. I see there are different constructors in the template for levels of Eikon integration so I'll take a look into this. Glad it wasn't just me seeing the transparent app. (o: T