Cobalt TFS Check-In Policies

I've been working on upgrading the Cobalt Alerts workspace to Eclipse Luna, and everything seems to be working great. The only snag I've hit involves the Cobalt check-in policies for Team Explorer Everywhere. I wasn't able to get the copyright policy to work (the others work fine). While looking around to find locations where I might get the latest, I've had trouble finding any sort of authoritative source on where to download this policy. I've tried these two versions of the policy: \\cobaltbuilds\cobaltbuild$\TFS Central\Admin Stuff\CobaltCheckinPolicy\Cobalt\ \\cobaltbuilds\cobaltbuild$\TFS Central\Admin Stuff\CobaltCheckinPolicy\Cobalt Installation What version of the policies is the latest version? Where should I be downloading it from (and where should we instruct new developers to download it from)?

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  • Unknown
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    Co_CM_TECH just gave me the instruction to use \\cobaltbuilds\cobaltbuild$\TFS Central\Admin Stuff\CobaltCheckinPolicy\Cobalt Installation, but the copyright portion of that still doesn't seem to work with Luna. **FYI: They also provided this information to make the copyright policy work:** **Adding support for Eclipse 2.0 Plugins to Eclipse 4.4 (Luna)** As of Eclipse 4.4, support for Eclipse 2.0 style plug-ins has become an optional feature (as of this writing, Eclipse treats the Thomson Reuters copyright plugin as an Eclipse 2.0 plugin) 1. Go to Help > Install New Software... > Work with: The Eclipse Project Updates - (or Indigo or whatever the codename of your Eclipse version may be) 2. List item 3. Check 'Eclipse Tests, Examples, and Extras' > 'Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support' 4. Click Next, Next, I accept..., Finish 5. When download and install completes, click 'Not Now' and exit Eclipse
