EDD API testing

Hi team, we are performing testing on EDD API and would test with complete case, will it be complete itself in testing environment when I create case via API? If yes, how long will it be complete so that we can get sample result from API call? If not, how to trigger a complete case? Thanks.

Below are the information:

My ID: andrew_lee

email :andrew.lee@boafinancialgroup.com

CaseID: 0afea500-f007-4e70-ba49-22a23b8b0e8e

SystemOrderID: SOA_CDM

CRN: 00219\B163\IS2\2019

URL: https://uateddonline.thomsonreuters.com/ap/WSMercury.svc

Best Answer


  • Hi team,

    Will there be any update? Thanks.


  • Hey Andrew,

    I've had my share of adventures with EDD API testing, and your question is quite valid. The completeness of a case in the testing environment can be a bit tricky. In my experience, it doesn't always auto-complete, especially if there are dependencies or specific conditions required for a case to be considered complete.

    To trigger a case to be complete, you might need to provide all the necessary input data, ensure that your API call meets the required conditions, and then monitor the status for completion. The time it takes can vary based on several factors, such as the complexity of the case, the efficiency of the API, and server performance.

    I'd recommend setting up automated monitoring for the case status and periodically checking it until it's marked as complete. It's also a good idea to refer to the API documentation or contact support for more specific guidance based on your use case.