How do you identify if an Eikon user is an internal TR user?

There seem to be several ways currently being employed to identify an Eikon user as an internal Thomson Reuters employee. I have come across the following ways: 1. Checking the user's Parent company is the Woodbrigde Company 2. The user's email address contains "@" 3. Calling a AAA web service to retrieve the user's role 4. others... Is there a correct way and consistent way to do this?


  • Hi, it's depends on what you are trying to do check for parent company --- not recommended. company hierarchy(in DB) can be changed at any time. check if user_id ends with "@" ---------- (prefer 'USER_ID' to 'EMAIL') if you just want to find any Thomson Reuters user. all user with *@* are internal user, but keep in mind that.. - they have different role. these roles can have different capabilities. (eg. Eikon's user, customer support, Tester) - there is a role named *"TR internal user"* but not all *'@thomsonreuters'* users are in this role. - we have role's **scope** rule. for sample. the user can access only specific information in location assigned to them. - currently a user only has single role **scope**(1-1), but we are about to change this to multiple role **scope** (1-many) [updated] ----- sorry for missing information. - User only has one Role - Role has one Scope for now - This will be changed to multiple scope. there are several points that need to be clarified. I'll will update you once done.