Does jquery work on Eikon "Internet Explorer" object?

My test page includes this jquery


This is my element:


I tested 2 ways of pointing to the element.

1. `document.getElementById("JPY").value="2000";`
2. `$("#JPY").val("1000");`

Both of them work fine on Firefox, Chrome, IE on my machine.
But only the 1st works on my Eikon "Internet Explorer" object, the 2nd doesn't work.
My Eikon version is Desktop 4.0.2 (4.0.22190)

Best Answer

  • The WebBrowser Object (which is the IE part of the Eikon Browser) renders the content as if it's IE7, if there's FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION key is not set in the registry for the process, that's instantiating the control (in our case, Eikon.exe). Eikon will delete any FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION keys from the registry on start. However, if you have IE11, the contents of the WebBrowser object would be rendered as if it's IE11, not IE7. Here's more info


  • You could try using jQuery version 1.x, as the 2.x dropped support for IE6, IE7, IE8. I'm not sure but my guess is that the "Internet Explorer" object in Eikon might be forced to use a specific "Document Mode" or "Browser Mode" or "Compatibility View".
  • Eikon Browser is IE7, per my conversation with them.
  • Tampong is correct, if the browser is indeed IE7 you should be using the 1.x version of jQuery instead of 2.x.
  • The documentation refers to windows 8 - what about all other versions of windows? What about IE11 on windows 7? In my experience it didn't matter and with ie11 on windows 7 it still rendered as ie7. This is answer I got from Frederic Souchu "The browser in Eikon will always default to IE7 " Specifically, any code that uses console.log breaks, that's how I found it.
  • try setting , it works on my W7 IE11 WebBrowser control inside Eikon
  • The Eikon Explorer window runs on Chromium. If you press ctrl + shift + J, you'll see the developer tools are the same as Chrome. Check out the hub group Chromium Integration.

    The .val() method is used for form elements. Try .html() or .text()
  • I don't think that this statement is entirely correct. From what I remember, Eikon Exlporer will render the selected pages/content in Chromium, but for the rest of the content the default IE is used.
  • From the information that I gathered, the browser itself is not just in compat mode - it is actual IE7 engine. In fact I was trying to render html5 app inside eikon, and I had to change it so it works.