Eikon App Help URL relative path?

I have tried on the HelpURL ability on JET and it looks like only absolute address is supported. Is it true that the URL doesn't support relative path now? > JET.init({ > ID: "JETSample", > Title: "JET - Help URL", > HelpURL: "
http://www.google.com" >}); I have tried some workaround like putting the URL as http://localhost:10030/Apps/MyAppName/1.0.0/Help.html. But this involves a version number variable and I am not sure if "localhost:10030" still works on production Eikon. Any ideas? Thanks.


  • Could you get the url from `window.parent.location`?
  • Yes Tampong, I can get http://localhost:10030/Apps/MyAppName/ part by
    window.parent.location but still could not get rid of the variable version "1.0.0". But if JET doesn't support relative path, I can hardcode the version first. Thanks!
  • HelpURL: window.parent.location.href + "help" //works HelpURL: "/help" //doesn't work HelpURL: "http://localhost:3000/bitcoin/help" //works HelpURL: "
    http://www.google.com //works I have tested it and it looks like relative path doesn't work
  • I am getting a bit confused on the behavior of Help page on Eikon. When I was testing on local AppServer and in Alpha environment, the Help page pops up in Eikon Explorer (my app also uses Eikon Explorer and cookies can be shared). However, the Help page pops up in IE instead for Production Eikon (cookies cannot be shared and JET throws lots of errors). Is it an expected behavior of Eikon help?
  • Hi Andy,
    The Eikon Help is expected to open on IE on Production, that's correct.
    On Alpha & Beta though we have started deploying a new App, Chromium-based and very similar to Eikon Explorer.
    The deployment of the new Eikon Help container on Production will occur in Q3 or Q4.
  • Thanks Thomas. Will the new Eikon Help app be replacing the current Help pages on Eikon from clicking F1? Can we still write our own Help pages in our app?
  • The Help content is about to change too, at least for the basic Apps.
    But if you currently have your own help triggered by F1, it should still open in the new container. Isn't this what you already have on Alpha/Beta?
  • Yes, you are right. Thanks Thomas.