Unit tests timeout for WLN Search module

I am new to Cobalt Platform and WLN development. I setup fresh environment (on VMWare VDI) to build WLN Search as described at [
http://nsawiki.int.westgroup.com/wiki/index.php5/Java_developer_startup_instructions_(WestlawNext)][1] I did everything up to the point when Ant build is started, ran Ant build (DeveloperBuild.xml/build) but some unit-tests time-out like this: [junit] Running com.trgr.cobalt.wln.search.SpringConfigurationTest [junit] Running com.trgr.cobalt.wln.search.web.Batch-With-Multiple-Tests [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec [junit] Tests FAILED (timeout) [junit] Running com.trgr.cobalt.search.ResultOptionsFactoryImplIntegrationTest [junit] Running com.trgr.cobalt.wln.search.service.update.Batch-With-Multiple-Tests [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec [junit] Tests FAILED (timeout) ... No errors or failures under WLNSearch\build-output\BuildLogs\UnitTestReports and no logs (at least I don't see them). Have you ever encountered similar problem on a fresh setup or have ideas about root cause of this? Appreciate your help. [1]:

Best Answer

  • The Ant build removes the timed out test results because they would hard fail some subsequent steps and stop reports from being available. I guess I am not surprised that some of the System tests are timing out through VDI. I can hardly ever get them to run completely when I am VPN-ing in from home. You could try chaning this line in DeveloperBuild.xml **temporarily** to see if building and unit testing is running properly. <ant antfile="CompileAntScript.xml" target="coverage\_build" to <ant antfile="CompileAntScript.xml" target="**normal**\_build"
