How to create watchlist for ongoing screening?


Can you please describe me how can I create the Watchlist for existing cases. Like, I have generated system case id for every customer screening. Now I want to monitor every customer case for changes.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • @a.mathur

    Thank you for clarifying, as you must be aware OGS screens the case every day and when there is an update in the World-Check data you will get the casesystem Ids which have updates against them using the monitor OGS API, but if there are no updates in the World-Check data, there will not be any results. So in your scenario your cases are being screened on daily basis and you're not seeing any results for "SEQ-case-monitor-ogs: Monitor ongoing screening updates on cases" cause there are no updates in the World-Check data for those cases.


  • @a.mathur

    Thank you for posting the question, however, this has to do more with the UI functionality and it doesn't qualify as a dev community question, request you to use the link below to raise this with our support.


  • Hi @Mehran,

    I'm asking about APIs not UI functionality. I've implemented screening using individual and organization screening APIs, now I want to monitor change in cases.

    As mentioned in other posts I've add case into watchlist using '"SEQ-case-ogs-enable: Enable ongoing screening for a case" and try to get changes in result using "SEQ-case-monitor-ogs: Monitor ongoing screening updates on cases" API, but i'm not getting any result.

    Can please share steps for adding case into watchlist and grab the changes.
