Progress bar support in Eikon Jet API ?

The Eikon Developer website contains a section which references an "App Framework Design Standards" document under UX Design.

In that document, under **Progress Bar - Mandatory**, it states:

> The Progress Bar is the mechanism that
> all Apps use to indicate that the app
> is opening and/or data is loading
> within the app. This replaces all
> other indicators that have been used
> in the past, such as spinner
> animations and launch splash screens.
> The uses of the Progress Bar include,
> but is not limited to the following:
> • app launch
> • in-app data loading/refresh
> • In-app actions and refreshing data
> • component data loading

Is there support in the JET API for this mandatory functionality?


  • JET is required where the app needs to communicate with Eikon desktop in some way. In this case your application can interact with the Progress Bar control directly so JET doesn't have to be involved.

    As for the Progress Bar control itself, our UI team has not yet provided one. You can get it through third parties which is not ideal for consistency, but could work for now. I have flagged this up to the web UI team so they'll look into providing one.
  • Thanks Neil.
  • Actually its a good spot. I wonder if there are other controls that are 'mandatory' yet we dont' provide an implementation