API documentation Cobalt standards

Guys, is there any API documentation Cobalt standarts? I've found that DataRoom and many others use API Explorer which has generator tool for Java-based services only. Is there anything for .Net based? I've also found [guidelines][1] that suggest using Swagger. But it will be hardly incorporated into API explorer. What is the most modern way of providing REST service documentation? [1]:

Best Answer

  • Hey Pavel, You've found the two "standards" we have in TR, API Explorer and Swagger. If you are developing within the Cobalt ecosystem I highly recommend looking at API Explorer. It has some enhancements above and beyond Swagger to help you manage people consuming your APIs (eg: endpoint status like "under development", "released" and "deprecated") and ease of integrating some sort of authentication specific to TR like OnePass for example. It is actively supported by the Co-CommonModules-Dev development group. If you have a need that it doesn't support at the moment that team can help. As for .NET support, we are just finishing up .NET support. I'm not sure of all the details, but I'd reach out to the Co-CommonModules-Dev email group and someone there can help you. Like Swagger, there's a standard JSON structure to define your endpoint, so the only question is how to generate that JSON from various technologies. For more info on API Explorer you can also go to their [Hub Page][1] Swagger is a good and useful tool as well. It just follows a different paradigm than API explorer. This my guess, but if Swagger were to support some of the added features that many of the teams use on API Explorer, these two tools would converge in some way. [1]:
