VM args for eclipse on a VDI

I'm trying to set up the RelatedInfo module from Cobalt on my VDI, following
these instructions and have opted for the Luna Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary. I made the changes to the eclipse.ini file detailed at step 1.c. However, then I couldn't run eclipse at all - I would briefly see the splashscreen (for a nanosecond) and then nothing. So I took all the vmargs out and it seemed to work. However, when I'm trying to get the code from TFS (now following the RI
setup guide) it keeps falling over complaining about Java heap space. So I tried with just the last 2 vm args listed, and it gets so far but then no further - it's been stuck and apparently doing nothing for over an hour now. Does anyone have any suggestions for different values to use for the vmargs on my VDI so that this will work?


  • I haven't set up RelatedInfo, but for CobaltPlatformSearch and WLNSearch, I followed the wiki page [here][1] to do the Eclipse setup. It states to specify **-Xmx4096m**. The **MaxPermSize** should only matter when running the Unit Tests and this can be set as default JVM args in Eclipse (at least that's how I have it set up). Select **Window > Preferences** and then select **Java > Installed JREs**. Click on the **Edit...** button and set the **Default VM arguments:** (I have mine set to **-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:PermSize=512m**). Hope this helps. [1]:
  • Sounds like you might be using 32-bit Eclipse/Java. I know 2^32 is exactly 4096m but I think the max for the JVM is 2GB.