Checkstyle Error: Unable to get class information for ParseException.

I've just set up a new eclipse installation with CobaltPlatformSearch, following instructions here: I get hundreds of warnings in CobaltPlatformSearch: Unable to get class information for ParseException. This class does exist however, as a derived resource: /CobaltPlatformSearch/derived/com/trgr/cobalt/search/presearch/parser/javacc/ Looks like something in the build sequence is not correctly picking up the generated resources? Makes it almost impossible to notice genuined checkstyle warnings as they get hidden amongst the noise of these warnings


  • Here is one suggestion to look at. There is an answer there about configuring the classpath, rather than the source tree.
  • That seems to be the bug, but can't figure out fix/workaround from the link. As we're running in eclipse, would assume it uses the eclipse build path. Can't see anything in checkstyle settings in eclipse that let us choose a build path separate from the project build path?
  • Read below the bug, in the section that says "Won't Fix"
  • Are you sure you have the JavaCC plugin installed? I've not had this issue and build CobaltPlatformSearch all the time.
  • The answer I got back via email was to manually delete the checkstyle warnings. Not ideal, as it means have to assume only false positives in massive list when I initialy delete everything. But does seem that with each new build, only shows new checkstyle warnings. Haven't been game to try a clean build and see if it brings back all those other warnings.