How to get News body via JET?

For writing an Eikon app to get News via JET, I found the news object return by JET can get headline and other brief information such as date/time/source, but could anyone advise how to get News body? Thanks so much

Best Answer


  • Hi Nick Thanks a lot for the answer firstly. I see the navigate method will open a news window in Eikon and display the contents there, but what I am looking forward to is get the news content and pass it into my app for further processing, is there any way for this? Maybe I do the webpage grabber by myself? If this is true, what I have got is a urn link, how can I translate into the target http URL link? Thanks again.
  • Zhuang, I'm following up with the SDK group regarding your request. Also, your comment here appears as an answer. You should be able to utilize the 'add new comment' button below the answer if you wish to have further clarification as I have done with this comment. Thanks.
  • Hi Nick, The "add new comment" function does not work from Beijing site due to below two resource files cannot be accessed from Beijing site when loading the techoverflow pages, I think... Thanks, Bo
  • In the meantime, you could access techoverflow site via normal http (not https) as a workaround to add comments.
  • There is no way to get the news body in JET. You can only use the 'urn'
  • There are two different questions: 1) how to view the story text as a user, 2) how to get the story text as a developer. Nick has answered #1 and Niel has answered #2.
  • Hi Nick has there been an update on access to News content via JET? or a workaround where the urn can be translated into url and returned for page grabbing?
  • It actually is possible to get the body of a news story with JET, but it is definitely not very efficient. The news story may be split into many small parts, and it may take many separate calls to get the full story. This needs to be done sequentially - you need to get the 1st in order to know what the 2nd part is, and need the nth to know what the n+1st part is, or if there actually is a n+1st part.

    From my experimentation, you end up watching the story arrive, 1-2 sentences at a time. I have seen a story of just moderate length that was split into 45 parts.

    [It may be that this method, aside from slow, tends to degrade performance. I am certainly not advocating for the use of this technique.]

    However, there are (in my opinion) legitimate reasons to want to retrieve story text in JET. Given the performance of the news object, clearly a more efficient method is possible.