Can JET interact with Customer's Own MDS

Can a customer developing Eikon App using JET interact with their own Market Data System?


  • As far as I know, neither of the Open Eikon real-time APIs can get access to the client's local feeds.
  • Thanks. From other posts on this site, I believe, in customer-managed environment JET can subscribe to TREP feeds?
  • Should subscription.feedAlias() or subscription.feedName() work? They are not documented.
  • JET retrieves the data from Eikon. If you configure Eikon to connect to your own TREP system, JET can get the data from that TREP system via Eikon.

    For example, if Quote object can display the data, JET can also retreive the data.
  • The JET.js API Demo contains the example (Setting subscription's DataFeed and KeyLetter) of using subscription.feedAlias() and subscription.feedName(). I have also tried it so it works.