"No permission" message trying to get /.VIX on the Eikon API

I got the

The user does not have permission for the requested data

message when trying to use

eikon.get_timeseries('.VIX', start_date="2000-01-01", interval='daily')

Support confirmed I didn't have acess to ".VIC" and suggested using delayed VIX instead "/.VIC" since I had access to this one. Relaunching the request with "/.VIX" got me the same error. What should I do the be able to get the VIX time serie? I also tried changing the interval (d, m, y) and start_date (2000, 2010, 2015), without differences.

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @emmanuel.desalis

    Let me try to summarize the information.

    There are 4 different data access types in this question.

    1. .VIX on quote data [top right on the picture]

    2. /.VIX on (delayed)quote data [top left on the picture]

    3. .VIX on historical data [bottom right on the picture]

    4. /.VIX on (delayed)historical data [bottom left on the picture]


    let me explain the "/" in front of a RIC is to indicate that you are
    requesting for a delayed(non-realtime) data. Since usually delayed data is not

    From the error message you provided, it seems that you
    do not have access to quote data but you do have access on delayed
    quote data for .VIX RIC code.

    Next for historical data, from the
    error message you provided, it seems that you do not have access to both
    .VIX and /.VIX on historical data.

    As for my account, I have access to all 4 types.


    So, this is not an API technical problem. It is just a matter of your account does not have permission to access to the required data.

    Please contact your account manager if you require more permission on your account.


  • Hi @emmanuel.desalis,

    What is .VIC? According to my tests, it is an invalid symbol.

    When I tried .VIX, this is what happened:


    Also, your code shows '.VIX', yet in your question you explicitely say '/.VIX'. Is there a reason why you want to get delayed timeseries? I'm not even sure what delayed timeseries means.

    If I try '/.VIX', I too get a 'user not permissioned' error.


    Did you simply try '.VIX'?

  • Hello,
    It's a typo, there is no VIC, sorry! Allow me to edit the question.

    To summarize, I tried .VIX first, got the "no permission" message, got told to try /.VIX instead, got same message.

  • Hi @emmanuel.desalis,

    Did you try the .VIX instrument directly in the Eikon desktop? If you also receive an indication that you are not permissioned, then you will need to reach out to your Refinitiv account manager to discuss the data you are permissioned for and that you need access to this data.

  • Thank you for your answer.

    Yes, I tried the .VIX instrument directly in the Eikon desktop and got the "no permission" message, the Support on the app told me that I didn't have access to realtime data.

    I'm supposedly able to access historical .VIX in some way (they told me I have permission), but I don't get how. Apparently "/.VIX" is supposed to be this non-realtime data.

    But I don't understand why it is so complicated, it is not some sensible data, it is publicly available online. I found it on www.cboe.com so even if it would have been more convenient to get it trough the API I'll use this way for the moment.