Controling Apps launched from the OpenEikon .Net code?

My Eikon .Net App requires to launch Eikon Apps such as quote and news headlines screens from the code such as:
Two questions related to this:
1) How can I terminate the quote and headlines Apps launched from the code. Or it can only be terminated manually by user?
2) How can the quote and headlines Apps launched by my code default to a selected channel link so that my App can control the contents without user manually select the channel link?



  • There is no way you can terminate an app, as the user has full control over it, he might have modified the display & instruments. The second point is interesting, but again, not something exposed by the Open Eikon API. (beside, that would be rather tricky as a free channel will need to be free for you app to not conflict with user-defined channels!).
  • I would add to Fred's right answer that more generally we want to avoid Apps to programmatically take control of Eikon, leading from an end-user standpoint to a variety of unexpected application behaviors.
  • What is the point of creating an API that cannot control the application?" The actions taken by such a solution would be deliberate and well documented, avoiding any unexpected behavior on the user's end.
    I have a client with 20 steps to his workflow. He wants me to make it a one-click affair. How does delighting this client by creating an application that does exactly what he wants it to do present a "variety of unexpected application behaviors"? My application will do one thing, exactly what he wants it to do, every time, no tedium. If the behavior is documented, that behavior should not be unexpected.
  • You need to take a slightly non-technical view of this. Channels are a way for a **user** to join objects together. From the point of view of an Open Eikon developer, a channel is a way to pass context to other objects **that the user** has identified as being of a mutual context. That's it for now.

    I think we could enhance what is possible with Open Eikon, to some extent, but 1) that is what we have at this time, and 2) Open Eikon will never provide the kind of access to other objects that we had with older APIs, where you had full access to every object's properties and methods.

    For the project you are working on ... could you require the user to build a workspace with a persistent quote and news object, channeled together with yours, and then you just pass context to them as necessary rather than create and destroy them? I know it changes the flow of your application but it has the advantage of being possible now with the existing SDK. The workspace can be shared/copied to anyone who uses the app ... that is also possible now. Just think of it as a combination of Open Eikon and desktop design ... both existing capabilities that can work together nicely.