Lusaka Level 2 data does not stream

Hi team,

Recently my account was enabled with proper Level 1 and 2 access to the Lusaka Stock Exchange. I confirmed this with our customer manager. I tried making a MarketByOrder & MarketByPrice for varied securities but get the same "The record could not be found". Level 1 data works fine but Level 2 not properly. Can you please look into the matter?


"ID": 2,
"Domain": "MarketByPrice",
"Key": {"Name": "PMDZ.LZ"}


"Type": "Status",
"State": {
"Stream": "Closed",
"Data": "Suspect",
"Text": "*The record could not be found",
"Code": "NotFound"
"ID": 2,
"Domain": "MarketByPrice",
"Key": {
"Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
"Name": "PMDZ.LZ"

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Hi @bansalshah,

    I don't believe there is level 2 data available for this item: PMDZ.LZ. You know it is a permission issue if you receive a message back stating you are not authorized to see this data. You can try the symbol "BB.TO" as this does contain both level 1 and level 2 data on Toronto Stock Exchange. You may actually get level 2 data back or a not authorized message.

    The best way to determine what level 2 content is available on the Lusaka Stock Exchange is to reach out the Refinitiv Helpdesk as they are best suited to answer content questions.


  • Hi @bansalshah, Unfortunately, this venue has not been migrated to ERT collections, and Market-By-Price domain is not available for Lusaka. You can get top 10 market by price book entries, but it will be disseminated as Market-Price domain. Use symbol ```PMDZ.LZd```, and look for fields BEST_BID1..n, BEST_ASK1..10 etc.

  • Hi @nick.zincone.1

    I tried with the symbol "BB.TO" but as expected got Access Denied. Not Entitled.

    Yeah I will reach out to the helpdesk to see what type of level 2 data is supported by Lusaka because that is the only exchange currently with permission for me.

    Thank you for the help.