Best way to check errors in XSL file in document module

I am having difficulty in pointing out which xsl is wrongly formed and if it has any errors in the syntax while working on document module. Is there any tool which can help with XSL debugging / syntax checking ?


  • Take a look in StylesheetLoader.cs for DEBUG_STYLESHEET. Around line 123 is a description of how this can be used to debug your xsl.
  • Building from this answer, document describing the process on TheHub
  • - Get a XML file using PreReleasteContent:Grant on routing page - find and load the relating XSL files then link them - When you create a new xslt file in VS, the given template has output tag. You should copy and paste that part in your XSL file. - of course, set a break point then debug! - When you debug, you will see a new XSL file with live codes! [*this is how I fix the last bug involving Xsl and Xml*]