Eikon WebApp window.onbeforeunload

We need to warn the Eikon user when he/she accidentally is closing the Eikon WebApp Window. The window.onbeforeunload does not seem to detect the Event before closing the window (to allows to popup a warning message).

Is there any other functions or method to do this (to help detect the event right before closing the window)?

Thanks very much


  • The Eikon Explorer Application Frame does not support the onBeforeUnloadEvent. There is currently no way to intervene before the window is closed.

    The product owners are currently discussing adding this functionality, so it may well be available shortly
  • The Eikon Explorer Application Frame does not support the onBeforeUnloadEvent. There is currently no way to intervene before the window is closed.

    The product owners are currently discussing adding this functionality, so it may well be available shortly
  • The Eikon Explorer Application Frame does not support the onBeforeUnloadEvent. There is currently no way to intervene before the window is closed.

    The product owners are currently discussing adding this functionality, so it may well be available shortly