How to make a new EIKON App discoverable by everyone (TR Internal + Clients)

Hello, I want to publish my App from "TR Internal" to "Everyone". Currently I have published it to "TR Internal" in the "App Release" App and "Everyone" in the "App Library" App. Does anyone know how to make the app discoverable by everyone (TR Internal + Clients)? Thanks, Bo

Best Answer

  • Bo Feng
    Answer ✓
    I have found the answer from the Hub. [App Server - Programmer's Guide to HTML5 & Node.js, Java Spring, and C# Web Apps for Eikon][1] ----------------------------- **Discoverability - Details** - Tool: Search / Auto Suggest: As of 2014-02-20, Search and Auto Suggest get their list of applications from Inventory data that is maintained by Xavier Arnould Eikon 4 Helios Menu / App Library: As of 2014-02-20, the Helios Menu and App Library contents are maintained by email request to Frederic Souchu - Lead Time Required: Search / Auto Suggest: As of 2014-02-20, it takes 3-4 weeks from the time of request until the app will be discoverable in production; putting the brakes on a scheduled exposure requires a lengthy lead time as well Eikon 4 Helios Menu / App Library: As of 2014-02-20, it takes just a few days from the time of request to get an item changes in the menu or app library [1]: