Why can't I add the rule "Everyone" to my App in the Prod environment of App Release?

Hi, I tried to add the rule "**Everyone**" to my App in the production environment (cpurl://apps.cp./Apps/AppReleaseJ), but failed... It seems that there is **no any response** to my operation. As I verified, I can add the rule "Everyone" to my App successfully in the Alpha and Beta environments. Does anyone know the root cause? If it caused by that my Eikon account don't have enough permission, which type of permission should I request? Thanks, Bo

Best Answer

  • Bo Feng
    Answer ✓
    I have found the root cause. It caused by that some fields (e.g. Jira Project) which are not required are blank. And the issue is resolved after I filled all the fields (both required and non-required). This is a bug of App Release. After confirmed with the EikonAppServerSupport team, it has been fixed in the Alpha/Beta environment and it will been fixed in the Product environment very soon. Thanks, Bo