[JET.navigate] How to replace the current App with another App in Eikon Desktop 3.* ?

Hi, I want to redirect to another App which is used to replace the current App on Eikon 3.*. Does anyone know how to implement the function? As I verifed, below two methods both work well on Eikon Desktop 4.0+. But neither works on Eikon Desktop 3.* ... [1] JET.navigate({ name: "Internet Explorer Object", url: "cpurl://apps.cp./Apps/AppReleaseJ", target: "replace" }); [2] window.open("cpurl://apps.cp./Apps/AppReleaseJ", "_self"); Thanks, Bo

Best Answer

  • Bo Feng
    Answer ✓
    The original issue is caused by that there are some syntax errors on IE browser. After fixing them, below code snippet works well on Eikon Desktop 3.*. JET.navigate({ name: "Internet Explorer Object", url: "cpurl://apps.cp./Apps/AppReleaseJ", target: "replace" });