Visual Studio Pro13 freeze

When I try to shelve the bug fixed file, Visual Studio stop working and it freezes. It also freeze when I try to get myQuery on work items. [Might be related] Whenever I fireup VS, I should right-click and then choose 'run as admin'. It prompts me to choose 'devenv_2.exe' Is it beause I have VS Pro 13? Do I need to get premium or ultimate?


  • From my experience with debugging, I found VS2013 is less stable than VS2012. It occasionally crashes (debugger process crash) during step debugging in WPF app and multithreading environment. If you have a chance, try VS2012. Just my two cents.
  • Type DevEnv /ResetSettings in a VS prompt. It solved a similar issue on my machine
  • VS 2013> VS tools> VS command prompt>DevEnv /ResetSettings Now, all the project says it is loading. Whenever I try to open any file, it says "Visual Studio is busy."
  • Reinstall/uninstall TFS Power Tools || Did NOT WORK Unistall MVC3 || Did NOT WORK VS Prompt > Devenv /ResetSettings || Did NOT WORK Delete XXX.suo file || Did NOT WORK Repair/ Update Pro13 || Did NOT WORK The freezing or hanging of the Visual Studio seems to be a problem with the OS as explained in [this article.][1] However, there is no options for a block or unblock properties. [window 7] Also, there is no error message so, I have no idea which file is causing a problem. I will keep updating! [1]:
  • This problem went away after I deleted all cache files under > C:\Users\UC999999\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache [This article][1] was helpful! I would love to hear inputs on why VS was freezing up! *[18 Dec 2014- edit: upgraded to Premium Version. Now there is no issue with TFS]* [1]:
  • Document module for WLN does not support Visual Studio12.