getting socket error:connection reset while calling any other get API apart from top level group API

When i'm making call for get top level group API & group id i'm able to get response.

But apart from these two any other get api such as :{groupId}/caseTemplate , getting socket exception :connection reset error.

Any suggestion or help would be grateful.


Best Answer

  • Hello @supriyo.m,

    It might be a little difficult to investigate this issue without your code. Have you tried to do this from Postman as well?

    One thing that I see that is missing in your request url is /v1/


  • @supriyo.m

    Can you please share the screenshot of the request headers and the response headers that you are sending using Postman tool.

    To capture the request headers and response headers, please use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ Alt+C when on Postman tool to open the Postman Console logs. After opening the console logs, call the API in question again to capture the headers.

    Please take a screenshot of the console logs and send it over so that I can check it. Please mask the API key before uploading it here.

  • thanks, issue resolved.