WEB api Eikon fonts not found

Hi quite new working on Eikon. I'm working on a c# webapi with an SPA running it locally the styles seem top be a bit off and fonts don't seem to load. I have the webui folder down loaded with the fonts,css etc... In the console I'm getting this message "Gateway.ProcessClientMessageDoneCallbackHttp - HTTP NotFound protocol WebException for 'GET /Apps/CCASEikonUI/1.0.0/webui/fonts/proximanova/ProximaNovaRegular.ttf' when receiving from ASM: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. " Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious


  • Just a guess, please make sure to include the webui folder into the project (.csproj).
  • It is included
  • May be you needs to include below in config file
  • Ok my next question was going to be regarding config files.. I can't see any in the project built using the Eikon template.. added one but cant pick up anything in it... I need to talk to an app server .. even if I needed to talk to a db directly where would I put those??