Prism preferences - Need help with making a connection and getting the prism preferences

I am using the PreferenceManagerImpl for getting/setting the preferences. I wrote a quick test class to test my code and it fails with "Unable to get a connection" I am calling getAllPreferences() with userid, domain and path. And setting the System properties to below. System.setProperty("ldap.environment", "prism:client"); System.setProperty("", "prism"); System.setProperty("prism.environment", "prism:client"); System.setProperty("", "PRISMCLTJMS"); TEST details - domain = "COBALT"; path = "/SAP"; userGuid = "i0ace19660000013810bdafe69ad4c64c"; Prism Exception ErrorKey: PreferenceManagerImpl002 ErrorArgs: [(absolutePreferencePath='/SAP', product='COBALT', userGuid='i0ace19660000013810bdafe69ad4c64c') rootCause='Unable to get a connection.'] It makes a connection every time if I use “Development” as Domain but fails with “cannot find resources….” Error since Development domain is not set up in LDAP (prism side) It fails with “Unable to get a connection” every time if I switch the domain to “COBALT” Also, is there a prism UI interface to view the preferences ?