Missing Document Header End markup exception while running xslt unit tests

I am working on a document stylesheet related bug.I followed the steps as in [here][1] for adding new test case for the bug.After adding the the .xml file retrieved from the failed test results in the directory and running the unit test, I got the following exception: ![alt text][2] Infact, the stylesheet has an EndofDocumentHead comment inside it.I am not sure what is supposed to be done in this case. Did anyone have any issue of this sort with XSLT Tests? [1]:
http://nsawiki.int.westgroup.com/wiki/index.php5/Add_a_new_test_case_to_an_existing_XSLT_integration [2]:


  • Does the comment actually get hit and processed? The error is stating that the XHTML output did not have the following syntax:
    This should be a child of the ***co_document*** id div tag and right after ***co_documentHead***.
  • The comment gets processed and inserts a DHE in xhtml for other input xml document(I copy-pasted other xml input documents in the folder to check if it is happening for other documents as well for this stylesheet). But this error occurs only for one
    document.In the .xhtml file I see the following where DHE should have been : This was rendered using generic stylesheet.The content type has not been mapped For reference the docguid for the docuemnt is: IE7FB1361C1BC11E2A244C7587B585F77
  • This means the comment was not processed, if it was the DHE comment would be displayed. The generic stylesheet is not matching the XML to the template you are expecting. You need to write your own or use an existing one and map your collection to a content type.
  • In ContentTypeMapData.xml I added the following to map my collection to content-type

    The Issue still exists even after mapping collection set to content-type. Should something else need to be done here?. where would i get the values for TocCollectionName and IsVersionedToc/IsVersioned?
  • Collection Sets aren't mapped in that xml, collections are, refer to this documentation on how to add new content to document.
  • Thank you.