[JET API or JavaScript] How to check Eikon access permisson?

Hi, Is there a way to check whether a specified user has the access permisson on a specified RIC/Chain (e.g.
0005.HK or .SQUOTA.HS) through JET API or JavaScript? Thanks, Bo

Best Answer

  • Hi Bo,

    When you subscribe to a RIC the updatedValues parameter returned to onUpdate event handler contains STATUS object. When the user is not permissioned for the RIC the "formatted" property of the STATUS object returns "NOPERM".

    function onUpdateHandler(subscription, ric, updatedValues) {
        if (updatedValues["STATUS"]) {
            if (updatedValues["STATUS"].formatted === "NOPERM") {
                //user is not permissioned for the ric

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Bo,

    Well, we don't seem to share the same experience. On my end the onUpdateHandler function is called and I can see the STATUS key in the object returned to updatedValues parameter whenever I subscribe to a new RIC. When I subscribe to a RIC I'm not permissioned for, updatedValues["STATUS"].formatted returns "NOPERM" string. In fact I didn't find any of this in any documentation, my knowledge here is purely empirical. I just played with the subscription and onUpdateHandler, and looked at what was retuned into updatedValues parameter by logging it to the console and examining the content of the object.

    I'm curious what the difference might be between your case and mine. All I can think of is the software versions. I'm using JET 1.8.0 and Eikon 4.0.27 (though I think the latter is probably of not much significance). What about you?
  • Hi Alex, Thanks for your detailed clarification. I'm using JET 1.6.0 and Eikon 4.0.27. It might be caused by that my JET is not the latest version. I'll upgrade it and try again. Regarding the documentation, I really agree with you. When using the JET API, many cases only can be resolved by experience. Since there is not any related document. Thanks, Bo