NIProvider using RSSL_SOCKET over SSL: unable to publish data

We're having trouble understanding why we are unable to publish some fake data.

We have been roughly following the tutorial here:

We use RSSL_SOCKET as the ChannelType. The host requires SSL to port 443 - we are using stunnel for this.

We can log on and receive logon responses ok - so the RSSL_SOCKET and SSL appear to work ok.

We don't get any exceptions when we submit a RefreshMsg.

We see an outgoing RefreshMsg when we set:

<XmlTraceToStdout value="1"/>

However, we then receive a message indicating an error:

2019-09-24 17:40:08,667 OmmNiProviderImpl [main] ERROR: loggerMsg
    ClientName: ItemCallbackClient
    Severity: Error
    Text:    Received an item event without a matching stream Id  -1
Instance Name TransFICCNiProvider_1
RsslReactor 1e66f1f5
RsslReactorChannel 2c35e847
RsslSelectableChannel 7bd4937b

The state on the message we receive is:

State: Closed/Suspect/Not entitled - text: "Tunnel stream between client application and TRCE is required but still not opened."

Has anyone seen this before?

Any help much appreciated.

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