Eikon web app cannot download all files sometimes

Hi, we have published a Web App to Eikon AppServer and it works properly in most cases. However, due to unknown reason, when some users load the app, it sometimes couldn't load all the files required. The missing of script files make our app not working but doesn't show any error to users. One noticeable thing is the app title would remain "Eikon Explorer" instead of the app title. Does anyone has the same issues as us? Is there any recommendation or ways to detect such incompleted loading and avoid the problem? Thanks in advance.


  • Hi, It could be interesting to have Fiddler logs in order to explain why all the files aren't loaded. Is it possible to have the logs?
  • What is the name of the App?
  • ElektronPulseMap. It only happens on some users and our team could not reproduce and obtain the logs in our environment at this moment...
  • ElektronPulseMap. It only happens on some users and our team could not reproduce and obtain the logs in our environment at this moment...