[Unified Data Framework (UDF)] Why the Prod URL cannot be accessed by the TR-Internal Eikon Account

Hi, This question is regarding the [UDF](
https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/eikon-unified-data-access-layer "Unified Data Framework (UDF)") service. The UDF service is accessed on my Eikon Web App(front-end) through JavaScript now. Does anyone know why the URL "
https://apac1.views.cp.thomsonreuters.com/Apps/UDF/MSF" cannot be accessed by the TR-Internal Eikon Accounts from Europe (e.g. England, Switzerland)? The URL can be accessed successfully by the TR-Internal Eikon Accounts from Asia. --- [Test JavaScript] jQuery.ajax({ url: "
https://apac1.views.cp.thomsonreuters.com/Apps/UDF/MSF", type: "post", data: '{"entity":{"e":"TATimeSeries","w":{"Tickers":[".SSEC"],"NoInfo":false,"Interval":"Daily","IntervalMultiplier":1,"DateRange":"Day","DateRangeMultiplier":3}}}', error: function(e, type, statusText){ console.log(e); }, success: function(response){ console.log(response); } }); --------- Thanks, Bo

Best Answer


  • physically, apac*, emea* and amers* are different servers, just as a thought - the MSF feature you're requesting was only published on the apac side. By the way, I wasn't able to access this link on my apac login either, however, I can see the
  • Hi Evgeny, I have tried to access the same server (e.g. APAC) with different accounts. The results are different. One (ASIA account) accessed successfully, the other (Europe account) accessed unsuccessfully... BTW, the link
    https://apac1.views.cp.thomsonreuters.com/Apps/UDF/MSF cannot be accessed through browser directly with any account. You can access it through AJAX call in the font-end of Eikon App (e.g. Open the Developer Tools throught Ctrl+Shift+J -> Input JavaScript test code in Console).