Is anyone using JRebel?

I have been using a trial license of [JRebel][1] for Eclipse over the past few days and so far I am quite impressed. It has saved me from having to do a number of redeploys. I am wondering if anyone else here is using JRebel and what your thoughts are of it (good and bad). [1]:


  • We use JRebel to deploy Spring applications on a JBoss server. It's ok, it normally takes us 8 minutes to deploy an application (not all apps are like this but this one is) and using JRebel doing a re-deploy takes 2 minutes. Not ideal but it saves some times. Though things can get tricky if you're running in debug mode.
  • One of our developers recently evaluated it for MAF development and was also impressed. Looks like we getting some local (ANZ) licenses.