Service Unavailable


I have the following problem:

When opening the application from the App Studio, it opens with the following error: image

The questions are:

What is the cause for this error?

How should I handle it, in order to inform the user that the app is not available?

Is there any way to prevent it from happening?

Best Answer

  • The service in question is App Studio Authorization Services, which provides federated user authentication and authorization. This service is available 24/7, hence the error is not expected to come up with any level of frequency. Of course any request to a Web service may fail at any time for any number of reasons, so you may want to display a more user friendly error message. Perhaps something along the lines of "An error occurred during the launch of the app. Please close this window and try opening the app again. If the problem persists, please contact support with the following details..." Then include the details you display today, which would be extremely helpful for Refinitiv support to start investigation. Since in App Studio program app vendors provide first level support for their apps, you should direct user to your support service, who in turn can escalate the problem to Refinitiv Helpdesk if they determine the problem is on Refinitiv end.
