How to limit the number of generated logs in EMA?


when using the EMA (C++) Library for a server application, it is normally useful to enable the logs generation to file with standard level for the consumer(s) and provider(s) used.

However, the generated logs are always in the form <FileName>_pid.log (default: “emaLog_pid.log”).

With time, this causes the generation of several logs in the application's working directory (one for each instance of the application). Suppose for instance an application restarted on a daily basis..

Is there in EMA any rolling mechanism that allows to control the number of generated logs?


Best Regards,


Best Answer


  • Hi @Paolo Parlapiano

    The logging related parameters are covered in section 3.5 of the EMACPP_ConfigGuide which is also included in PDF form with the Elektron SDK.

    As you will note there is a FileName parameter which allows you to override the default 'emaLog_pid.log'

    If you need to vary the filename programmatically you can use the Programmatic Config functionality demonstrated in example 421__MarketPrice__ProgrammaticConfig.

    Programmatic Config is also described in section 4.5 of the above config guide.

  • Hi @Umer Nalla,

    if I override the FileName parameter, the final result is anyway myFileName_pid.log, which doesn't resolve the issue.


