How to save/retrieve data into UDS session in java?

I need to store the checkbox state and the state should be available from another module until the user session is active. I want to save it in user session but I don't know how to do that. As far as I understand by user session means UDS session. Is there any approach to save/retrieve data into UDS session from java module. Maybe there is any library to work with it ? Thanks in advance.


  • The UDS **Session** object has very specific fields, and is typically only accessed by the "page container" module (Website, ADC, etc.). If you need new fields added for a new field, it would require new development by the UDS team. You can view the current REST API details on this wiki page: . The UDS **SessionBindings** object, is just a set of generic maps (or dictionaries) which the application can put whatever key/value pairs it wants. Once it has been created (again, typically by Website or ADC during the signon process), it cannot be modified, but any module in the product can retrieve it. The REST API for this object can be found on this wiki page: . For both Session and SessionBindings, you can talk to the Co-CommonModules-Dev email group (which owns UDS) for more information/design discussions, etc.