JET.onContextChange event never fires

Is it just me or does the JET.onContextChange event actually fire? I cannot see it fire in the Last Price Monitor sample app or a bare-bones app of my own.


  • a quick question - are they in the same 'channel' in link mode?
  • Hi Steve,

    I think you got confused between the app picking up active symbol when the app is instantiated vs. responding to active symbol change after the app has been instantiated.
    Native Eikon apps including Quote and Chart pick up active symbol when user creates a new instance of the app. But the app won't respond to the change of active symbol unless the app is linked on one of the channels. Similarly for onContextChange event to be raised for your app, the instance of your app needs to be linked on one of the channels. And to have your app instantiated with the current active symbol you don't need onContextChange event. Instead you need to use getActiveSymbol method to read the active symbol and use it in your app.