How to get access to Web2 Admin?

Hello, I'm wondering if/how I can get access to Web2's admin UI? The URL for the (QA) admin is here: [][1] I'm working on porting over some features of this website over to Cobalt and need to see how they currently work. Thanks! [1]:

Best Answer

  • Ron Burke
    Answer ✓
    My understanding is that initial page should be available to any internal user. You will need a management account to access a number of the links on there and additionally you may need to be added to a group to access some of the links (like Sponsorship setup). You will need to call 4Help to be added to the appropriate group.


  • Just adding to Ron's reply.. The management account I believe refers to an M account in the MGMT domain. I was able to get to the sponsorship setup page with my MGMT/Mxxxxxxx account.