The logged in user is not entitled for 1.1.x.x version of ThomsonReuters.Eikon.Integration.dll

There's an error I started seeing when trying to debug an Open Eikon .NET some time last week.

"The logged in user is not entitled for 1.1.x.x version of ThomsonReuters.Eikon.Integration.dll" occurs in AppLibHostLoader.dll. I'm running both Eikon 4.0.29678 and VS 2013 in the Admin mode, I have re-installed the add-in.

I'm logged in under SL1-2YK1COD and SL1-4NGNVOC.

Best Answer

  • nav.dessai
    Answer ✓
    Hi Evgeny,

    When did you install the SDK recently? There are only two templates enabled as of now, v1.0 and v1.2 based and they both should work fine. v1.2 based is only for Eikon 4.30+ and since you are using 4.29, you should have 1.0 based template.

    The document you mention describes why we had to roll back the 1.1 version based.

    I would recommend following options:
    1. Install the SDK again, make sure you do not have multiple project templates. If you were to create the project again, it will default to v1.0 of the integration.dll and you should be fine.
    2. You can right click the project, go to package manager console and run
    >>Install-Package ThomsonReuters.Eikon.Integration -version 1.0.0


  • ok, so found this in 3. Does this design allow us to force developers to update the integration version. Since during development time, Eikon checks back with Eikon Library to retreive the runtime component, we can disable the corresponding version of THOMSONREUTERS.EIKON.APPLIBHOST and user would get an error that he is not privileged for the version of intergration assembly. So, how do I upgrade?
  • Hi Nav, thanks for your answer. I originally installed the SDK some time around September. I had a version # or (don't remember). Today, when I reinstalled the SDK, i got version

    At the moment, ThomsonReuters.Eikon.Integration version is and the runtime version (?) is 4.9.30319. I have removed the reference and reinstalled the SDK, installed Integration, rebuilt the solution and it worked.

    So, looks like I had the version that you rolled back.

    Thanks for help!