Application launch with product id without prefix is not supported in AppLibHostLoader.dll

I am testing the Open Eikon Integration API. The goal is to launch an app, save the workspace and trigger IAppHost.OnSave(), close the workspace, open the workspace and trigger the (XmlReader settingsReader) constructor.

1. When I try to open the saved workspace, AppLibHostLoader.dll shows the following error **"Application launch with product id without prefix is not supported"**.

2. After the error, I click 'Continue', detach from the Eikon host, then try to run the debugger again, however, Visual Studio shows a messagebox with **"Cannot connect to Eikon. If Eikon is running, please contact support for local administration privileges"**. The debugger stops working until Eikon is restarted.

Any ideas how to avoid #1 and how to fix #2?