Sorting on Realtime Market Data Grid

I am using the Realtime Market Data sample of CompositeGrid in Eikon Web UI and I need to sort the data by the CF_NAME field. I tried using the sortColumn method of Composite Grid but it didn't work. I also tried to add the default sort on the column itself and it didn't work either.

Appreciate any help on this issue.

Best Answer

  • Hi Taghrid, As the real-time data is coming as objects so we need to do special type of sorting logic. In version 1.1.2, we added an ability to provide custom sorting logic to tr.CompositeGrid. You can download the latest version from With version 1.1.2, you can add this option to the grid sorting: { sortLogic: { "*" : tr.cgrid.sorting.Realtime // "*" means this sorting logic is used for any column. } } You can replace "*" with the data field name to provide logic for any specific column. `tr.cgrid.sorting.Realtime` is a built in sorting logic. If you want to do your own sort function you can specify a function instead function (a, b, order) { }