Locally-routed website does not log out [RESOLVED]

This is a question and answer recorded here for posterity. After a PC refresh, I went through setting up my development environment again, and found that when I ran Website locally, it never logged me out when I clicked "Sign Off". I had to manually delete the session cookie each time, or I would get the dreaded "Would you like to join this other session" message box, (which never, EVER joins the other session). Looking at the network traffic, during the logoff process, a call is made to the Session endpoint using the DELETE verb. This was failing with a “405 method not allowed” error. After some Googling, I discovered, that this was due to the WebDAV module and related settings. Here's what worked for me: 1. Go into IIS manager and select the top-level root of your websites. (This will be labeled with your machine name.) 2. In the features view, go into "handler mappings" and delete webdav 3. Next, go into "Webdav authoring rules" and click "Webdav settings". Where it says Allow "Verb Filtering", select False. 4. Finally go into modules and delete the Webdav module. 5. Restart IIS.