Backend Error Failed to Deserialize backend Response

I am facing the same problem as mentioned in this thread.

pierre.faurel suggestion to use single quotes ' ' does not generate errors but the response is empty unlike the NEWS monitor app in EIKON desktop application.

It is also surprising the high quality EIKON tutorial series uses below syntax which is also generate errors.

q = "Product:IFREM AND Topic:ISU AND Topic:EUB AND (\"PRICED\" OR \"DEAL\")"

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Yes, you are correct. The code in the tutorial returns an error. I will contact the product team to verify it.

    The solution that I can think of is using the triple backslashes to escape the double-quotes.

    from datetime import date

    start_date, end_date = date(2016, 1, 1),
    q = "Product:IFREM AND Topic:ISU AND Topic:EUB AND (\\\"PRICED\\\" OR \\\"DEAL\\\")"
    headlines = ek.get_news_headlines(query=q, date_from=start_date, date_to=end_date, count=100)
