Proxy server configuration for TRKD API apps in Java platform

I need to configure my proxy server for a Java application for a TRKD application. Can you show me the best way how? Specifically, how I can set up for HTTP and HTTPS traffic?


Best Answer

  • Ripley79
    Answer ✓

    For HTTP Traffic:

    http.proxyHost (default: <none>)

    The host name, or address, of the proxy server

    http.proxyPort (default: 80) The port number of the proxy server.

    http.nonProxyHosts (default: localhost|127.*|[::1])

    Indicates the hosts that should be accessed without going through the proxy. Typically this defines internal hosts. The value of this property is a list of hosts, separated by the '|' character. In addition the wildcard character '*' can be used for pattern matching. For example -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=”*|localhost” will indicate that every hosts in the domain and the localhost should be accessed directly even if a proxy server is specified.

    For HTTPS Traffic:

    https.proxyHost(default: <none>)

    The host name, or address, of the proxy server

    https.proxyPort (default: 443)

    The port number of the proxy server.

    Note: The HTTPS protocol handler will use the same nonProxyHosts property as the HTTP protocol.


  • Hi,

    The same I've tried and it is not working.

    It is loading for a long time and always throwing error below mentioned.

    2 counts of InaccessibleWSDLException

    Please help me on this