Looking for a Unix C code example for websocket API. Does anyone have anything?

Looking for a Unix C code example for websocket API. Does anyone have anything?

Best Answer


  • Hello @Troy.Pfiffner,

    I don't believe we provide Websocket C examples. But am curious of your use case.

    If you are coding in C, and connecting to ERT, then using Elektron SDK C/C++ via RSSL encrypted channel should be much preferable as you will get much more out of the box in terms of error handling, fault-taulerance, reliability.

    If you are coding in C with Elektron SDK C/C++, and connecting to TREP, Elektron Hosted, EaaS, EC, then RSSL channel will give you all the same reliability benefits and it also is of the highest performance.

    So I see no obvious benefit for a C-coder to prefer Elektron Websockets to Elektron C/C++ SDK, and see many objections, including much more coding will be required on your side to make this work...

    What do you think?