Required fields for document verification

For document verification samples ( online and postman collection ) are like this

"DataFields": {

"PersonInfo": {

"FirstGivenName": "Mary",

"FirstSurName": "Sample"


"Document": {

"DocumentFrontImage":"Base64 encoded image string goes here",

"DocumentBackImage": "Base64 encoded image string goes here",

"LivePhoto": "Base64 encoded image string goes here",

"DocumentType": "DrivingLicence"



We tried sending a similar message ( we only changed name and surname with name and surname from test entity ) but the verification is not successful due to missing fields ( in this case City, PostalCode, StateProvinceCode ).

The documentation states that for document verification the steps needed are

Step 1 - Say Hello

Step 2 - Test Authentication

Step 3 - Get Country Codes

Step 4 - Get Document Types

Step 5 - Verify

And the description for the last step says
Step 5 - Verify

Once steps 1 through 4 have been completed you should have everything you need to carry out a Verify request. Using one of the country codes from step 3 and the document type from step 4 you can now run a verify request.

Is the documentation missing required steps or are we doing something wrong?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    I got a response from the support team.

    There are no test entities for Document Verification, so that maybe the issue here. We will be able to test legitimate documents even in a sandbox environment.

    The following fields:

    "DocumentFrontImage":"Base64 encoded image string goes here",
    "DocumentBackImage": "Base64 encoded image string goes here",
    "LivePhoto": "Base64 encoded image string goes here",

    will need to be populated with a JPG of PNG file.