misleading log traces in submit()


The log traces in the submit() methods of the provider classes are misleading, because
they use the word "Received", while the OMM message is sent and not received, e.g.:

TimeStamp: 09:17:49.687
ClientName: Provider_1
Severity: Verbose
Text: Received RefreshMsg with domain type MarketPrice Domain; handle = 139663545453536, user assigned streamId = 0.

Regards, Michael Zuck

Best Answer


  • @miczuc

    I think that it means that the Provider_1 has received the RefreshMsg with domain type MarketPrice Domain from the application.

    It is used to verify what kind of messages sent to the provider object by the application. It doesn't mean that the API has sent this message to the client.

  • From point of view of networking it is confusing.

    If a request message from a consumer arrives, the log entry is rather similar:

    TimeStamp: 09:17:49.694
    ClientName: MarketItemHandler
    Severity: Verbose
    Text: Received request message.
    Stream Id 57
    Client handle 30874848
    Instance Name Provider_1

    So someone not familiar with this nomenclature may think, there is a process, which is only receiving messages (for me it was also irritating). Ok, it's no so important, since it is only a trace ...

    Regards, Michael Zuck