Failed to get access token 400


I am trying to connect to the Refinitiv platform and receive volatility data, but I always get the same error "Failed to get access token 400".

I'm having the same error trying the example of the "Quickstart guide for Refinitive Data Platform"


I have verified that the user, password and application ID are correct.

Can you help me?

Thanks you.

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @axel.zamorano.empresa_externa

    The final log file shows you connecting successfully - but your account licence is not entitled to the timeseries data - so this is something separate that the account team will need to remedy


  • Hi @axel.zamorano.empresa_externa

    Do you have a valid MachineID i.e. programmatic Username (which you would have received in a Welcome email) and did you set the password using the link in the email?


    Note the above email does not make it obvious that you need to register on MyRefinitiv before activating your MachineID password - so please ensure you are also registered on the MyRefinitiv site - using your corporate email.

    Also, did you generate an AppKey (ClientID) using the AppKey Generator (top left hand corner) at ?

    imageWhen you Create your AppKey ensure you tick the EDP API checkbox

    Once you have set all the above values and entered into the QuickStart example, please try running again and report back.

    If you have already done the above, please attach the fuller console output as a txt file here - removing any token values / credentials etc from the output.

  • Hi,

    I have checked the credentials in another environment and they work properly.

    I attach the output.error.txt

  • Sorry, in which I have attached not all the information comes out. I attach the correct one. error.txt

  • I attach the new output with the lines that you have asked me.

    Thx you.


  • I tried the same in my local pc where i dont have any company proxy or something like this, maybe the error log is useful for you.


  • Hi @axel.zamorano.empresa_externa

    This does appear to be a firewall / port type issue. I have asked Odon to refer this to our RDP Platform team - who can hopefully assist your internal IT/Security team to resolve the issue